AEIF Winner, Niamh Gallagher, kicked off Women for Election’s 3-day campaign school in Athlone with 20 participants from all over the country.  In the stunning setting on the banks of the River Shannon, Susan Cleary, Director of Public

US Embassy Dublin Director of Public Diplomacy, Susan Cleary, congratulates the delegates

US Embassy Dublin Director of Public Diplomacy, Susan Cleary, congratulates the delegates
Photo credit: Conor McCabe Photography

Diplomacy at the U.S. Embassy, congratulated the women on their journey into political life and alumnus, Niamh Gallagher, for winning the prestigious Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund for 2012.

The 3-day campaign school included a ‘Canvassing Masterclass’ by Terry Prone as well as sessions on budgeting, building your team, navigating your party and making your voice heard.  The delegates are being put through their paces as they prepare to launch their local election campaigns for 2014, or support other women as campaign managers or strategists.  For more information about Women for Election’s 1-day Inspire program or 3-day Equip program:

The AEIF competition for 2013 is now open for all alumni of US Government sponsored programs on the International Exchange Alumni website.  Grants are available up to $25,000 for project ideas from around the globe.  Register your project before the May 12th Phase I deadline.