IUSA Alumni Volunteers together with students from Notre Dame, Youth Council and U.S Embassy staff took part in a garden transformation project at the Rathmines Women’s Refuge on Saturday, April 26th.

The Day of Service supported by IUSA Alum and Localise director, Derek Cleary focused on the transformation of the courtyard and garden area of the refuge.  Ample opportunities to get your hands dirty presented in the form of power washing, scrubbing, weeding, painting, cutting, hedge clipping and creation of a raised vegetable beds.  Notre Dame took on the task to create a painted walled mural of Noah’s Arc which not only added color and life to a previously open fenced area but also enhanced the privacy and security of the garden space.


Intermittent showers on the day did not deter the painters or gardens and a huge amount of work was completed.  The founder of the centre, Mr Frank Crummy also visited the site and gave the volunteers some history and background to the early days of the refuge. Frank also assisted in planting a tree to commemorate the day of service.


The Spring Day of Service was a great success with all the volunteers enjoying the opportunity to give back, make new friends and even brush up on their garden skills.  A quote from the centre coordinator, Lorraine – “the kids are just going to love this garden” left everyone with a warm feeling of satisfaction of a great days work achieved through volunteerism.   Thanks to all who supported. Huge thanks in particular to Cathy Quinn and Derek Cleary for their work towards making this happen!

Watch this space for Autumn Day of Service in September / October.

Derek & Cathy with the finished mural.

Derek & Cathy with the finished mural.