IUSA Prominent Alumni Lecture Series
Shane de Blacam on US Embassy at 50
Shane De Blacam
On January 14th, 2015, members of the IUSA, staff of US Embassy Dublin and guests gathered in the Irish Architectural Archive to hear prominent alumni and renowned architect Shane de Blacam speak on the design of the US Embassy in Dublin. Guests were also treated to a special viewing of the U.S. Embassy at 50 Exhibition.
De Blacam’s address began with him sharing his personal recollection of the building being constructed and his first impressions of the unique architectural details. De Blacam praised architect John Johansen’s vision and innovation, speaking of his particular fondness for the bronze work and windows. He also shared anecdotes of some of the more interesting obstacles in planning and construction, and described the site and appearance of the embassy as it was when it first opened to the public. De Blacam finished off by sharing some interesting insights on the location and design of embassies worldwide and their potential to engage with the public.
Before the event drew to a close, IUSA President Siobhán Byrne Learat thanked de Blacam for his stimulating insights and presented him with the IUSA Prominent Alumni Lecture Series medal.
More info: The US Embassy at 50 exhibition in the Architecture Gallery of the Irish Architectural Archive celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the US Embassy building in Dublin. The exhibition features copies of original drawings for the building by John Johansen. For those interested in learning more, the IAA’s post on the exhibition can be found here.
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Our thanks to Shane de Blacam and to the staff of the Irish Architectural Archive,
45 Merrion Square. The Irish Architectural Archive is  open to the public from 10 am to 5 pm, Tuesdays to Fridays.